Thursday, November 10, 2011

Smart shuffle

Let me start off by telling how I listen to music on the go. I either make a playlist or copy all the music I might want to listen to onto my portable device. I then use shuffle and play all the music. Sometimes there's 40 songs sometimes 100.

This is the problem with shuffle on every device and piece of software I use, its truly random. I know that's how shuffle works but I feel it could work better. Now what happens to me all the time is ill hear some of the same songs on my way to work and on my way home. Then there will be other songs I hear hardly ever hear.

I wish shuffle would be smart, meaning keep track of what songs it plays and their play count. For example it could pick 2 songs to play next then compare the last time each one was played and their play count, then play the lesser played one. This way it would still be shuffle but you wouldn't get the same songs over and over.
Maybe I should submit this to some software vendors as improvements and hope they use it.